
Investment markets have continued to rebound

After entering the lockdown at the end of March, the overriding sense I get from most people is that they are now bored, and looking forward to a return to normal life. Thankfully, the lockdown measures are being eased, albeit at different rates throughout the UK. I was thankful that I was able to take... Read More »

Update: Investment markets see upturn in April

I trust that you are all keeping well in these challenging times, and like me, are looking forward to a return to the ‘new normal’ soon. I wanted to start this monthly update with some positive news; something that I think has been sorely lacking in the last few weeks. After the historic drop across... Read More »

Coping with the lockdown

As the global COVID-19 pandemic progresses, you may have queries and concerns about the performance of your investments. Specifically, our clients have seen a significant decrease in the value of their portfolios within a short space of time. We are here – to ask you not to panic, and to reassure you that during these... Read More »

Your investment portfolio in unprecedented times

Firstly and most importantly, I hope you are staying fit and healthy whilst managing to cope with the current circumstances and Government measures. These are certainly unprecedented times, and I can only keep my fingers crossed that life will return to normal soon. In regards to investment portfolios, you will have no doubt seen how... Read More »

Furloughing, Pension Contributions and other Benefits

To help employers through current difficult times, the Government has introduced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The aim is for employers to “Furlough” employees rather than lay off staff, with the Government paying some of the costs. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme The main features of the Scheme are as follows:- In force for at least... Read More »

What happens to my pension fund when I pass away?

Clients frequently ask us this question and this article is designed to give you a basic overview of the legislation governing pension fund death benefits.  However, nothing is an adequate substitute for specific information tailored to your personal circumstances, so if you would like further information please get in touch with us for more specific... Read More »