
Market review – September 2021

As the US economy continues to recover at a pace quicker than the US Federal Reserve (Fed) expected, they have indicated they may begin reducing their stimulus packages sooner than previously anticipated. The minutes from the Fed’s July meeting, which were released in August, and Fed Chairs Jerome Powell’s annual speech at the Jackson Hole... Read More »

The benefits of regular savings

The benefits of regular savings In the complex world of investment, timing appears to be crucial. However – unless you are gifted with foresight, and believe me very few investors are – you cannot predict what the stock market will do. This presents a problem for investors: not only to decide when to invest, but... Read More »

What the March 2021 Budget update means for you and your business

Robert Young, Hanover financial management, pensions and employee benefits specialist reflects on the latest budget update and dissects what they mean for individuals with businesses, pensions, savings and investments.   State Pension Underpayments Just in advance of International Women’s Day on Monday 8 March, there is some good news for women from The Department for... Read More »

Investment update: Hope for the future

I hope that you are keeping safe and well. Depending on where you are reading this will dictate the current Covid restrictions you are currently following. Looking back, although my experience of the lockdown 2.0 in England was not as restrictive as the first, we will have to see how effective the various lockdowns and... Read More »

The recession and its effect on investment markets

I hope you are keeping well, and as I am writing this the temperature outside is 34 degrees so I trust that you are managing to enjoy the weather (although being British, I do feel this is a bit too hot!). As I predicted in my previous update, the latest GDP figures for the UK... Read More »

Predictions for the future of the investment market

I hope you are all keeping well as we come out of lockdown – fingers crossed the government are correct in their hope that we will see a return to normal by the end of the year. In this month’s update, I thought I would look into the future and predict the investment outlook for... Read More »